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Workshop: UniReps: Unifying Representations in Neural Models

Monkey See, Model Knew: Large Language Models accurately Predict Human AND Macaque Visual Brain Activity

Colin Conwell · Emalie McMahon · Akshay Jagadeesh · Kasper Vinken · Saloni Sharma · Jacob Prince · George Alvarez · Talia Konkle · Leyla Isik · Margaret Livingstone

Keywords: [ vision-language; large language models; human visual cortex; macaque visual cortex; fMRI; comparative neuroscience ]


Recent progress in multimodal AI and “language-aligned” visual representation learning has rekindled debates about the role of language in shaping the human visual system. In particular, the emergent ability of “language-aligned” vision models (e.g. CLIP) -- and even pure language models (e.g. BERT) -- to predict image-evoked brain activity has led some to suggest that human visual cortex itself may be “language-aligned” in comparable ways. But what would we make of this claim if the same procedures worked in the modeling of visual activity in a species that does not have language? Here, we deploy controlled comparisons of pure-vision, pure-language, and multimodal vision-language models in prediction of human (N=4) and rhesus macaque (N=6, 5:IT, 1:V1) ventral visual activity evoked in response to the same set of 1000 captioned natural images (the “NSD1000”). Preliminary results reveal markedly similar patterns in aggregate model predictivity of early and late ventral visual cortex across both species. Together, these results suggest that language model predictivity of the human visual system is not due to the evolution or learning of language per se, but rather to the statistical structure of the visual world as reflected in language.

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