Workshop: Workshop on Open-World Agents: Synnergizing Reasoning and Decision-Making in Open-World Environments (OWA-2024)
RefactorBench: Evaluating Stateful Reasoning In Language Agents Through Code
Dhruv Gautam · Spandan Garg · Jinu Jang · Neel Sundaresan · Roshanak Zilouchian Moghaddam
Keywords: [ Knowledge Representation ] [ Reasoning ] [ Language Agents ] [ Benchmarks ] [ Refactoring ] [ Long-Horizon Tasks ] [ Code Generation ] [ State-Awareness ]
Recent advances in language model (LM) agents and function calling have enabled autonomous, feedback-driven systems to solve problems across various digital domains. To better understand the unique limitations of LM agents, we introduce RefactorBench, a benchmark consisting of 100 large handcrafted multi-file refactoring tasks in popular open-source repositories. Solving tasks within RefactorBench requires thorough exploration of dependencies across multiple files and strong adherence to relevant instructions. Every task is defined by 3 natural language instructions of varying specificity and is mutually exclusive, allowing for the chaining of longer pseudo-tasks on the same repository. Baselines on RefactorBench reveal that current LM agents struggle with simple compositional tasks, solving only 22\% of tasks with base instructions, in contrast to a human developer with short time constraints solving 87\%. Through trajectory analysis, we identify various unique failure modes of LM agents, and further explore the failure mode of tracking past actions. By adapting a baseline agent to condition on representations of state, we achieve a 43.9\% improvement in solving RefactorBench tasks. We further extend our state-aware approach to encompass entire digital environments and outline potential directions for future research. RefactorBench aims to support the study of LM agents by providing a set of real-world, multi-hop tasks within the realm of code.