Workshop: Workshop on Open-World Agents: Synnergizing Reasoning and Decision-Making in Open-World Environments (OWA-2024)
One-shot World Models Using a Transformer Trained on a Synthetic Prior
Fabio Ferreira · Moreno Schlageter · Raghu Rajan · AndrĂ© Biedenkapp · Frank Hutter
Keywords: [ In-Context Learning ] [ Synthetic Pretraining ] [ Reinforcement Learning ] [ World Models ]
A World Model is a compressed spatial and temporal representation of a real world environment that allows one to train an agent or execute planning methods. However, world models are typically trained on observations from the real world environment, and they usually do not enable learning policies for other real environments. We propose One-Shot World Model (OSWM), a transformer world model that is learned in an in-context learning fashion from purely synthetic data sampled from a prior distribution. Our prior is composed of multiple randomly initialized neural networks, where each network models the dynamics of each state and reward dimension of a desired target environment. We adopt the supervised learning procedure of Prior-Fitted Networks by masking next-state and reward at random context positions and query OSWM to make probabilistic predictions based on the remaining transition context. During inference time, OSWM is able to quickly adapt to the dynamics of a simple grid world, as well as the CartPole gym and a custom control environment by providing 1k transition steps as context and is then able to successfully train environment-solving agent policies. However, transferring to more complex environments remains a challenge, currently. Despite these limitations, we see this work as an important stepping-stone in the pursuit of learning world models purely from synthetic data.