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Workshop: NeurIPS 2024 Workshop: Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences

A machine learning approach to duality in statistical physics

Prateek Gupta · Andrea Ferrari · Nabil Iqbal


The notion of duality -- that a given physical system can have two different mathematical descriptions -- is a key idea in modern theoretical physics. Establishing a duality in lattice statistical mechanics models requires the construction of a dual Hamiltonian and a map from the original to the dual observables. By using neural networks to parameterize these maps and introducing a loss function that penalises the difference between correlation functions in original and dual models, we formulate the process of duality discovery as an optimization problem. We numerically solve this problem and show that our framework can rediscover the celebrated Kramers-Wannier duality for the 2d Ising model, numerically reconstructing the known mapping of temperatures. We discuss future directions and prospects for discovering new dualities within this framework.

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