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Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS

Daniel Moyer · DOU QI · Yuankai Huo · Konstantinos Kamnitsas · Andrea Lara · Xiaoxiao Li · Islem Rekik

Hall B1 (level 1)

Sat 16 Dec, 7 a.m. PST

“Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS” aims to bring researchers together from the medical imaging and machine learning communities to create a cutting-edge venue for discussing the major challenges in the field and opportunities for research and novel applications. The proposed event will be the continuation of a successful workshop organized for the past 6 years. It will feature a series of invited speakers (all confirmed) from academia, medical sciences, and industry to present their latest work, and to present reviews of recent technological advances and remaining major challenges. This year we aim to have all keynotes presented in person (to facilitate speaker interaction and discourse), an extended number of submitted talks (approximately double from previous years), and an updated call that highlights changes occurring in our interdisciplinary field.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
