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Affinity Workshop: Global South AI

Exploring Generative AI in Nigerian Mixed media Art

Nefertiti N Emezue · Chris Chinenye Emezue

Keywords: [ Generative AI ] [ Deepdaze ] [ Midjourney ] [ Nigerian seed arts ]


Through harnessing the capabilities of Generative AI platforms, such as "midjourney" and "deepdaze," this research seeks to transform the essence of traditional Nigerian seed art into captivating new manifestations. The primary objective of this artistic exploration is to amplify the significance of African seeds as cultural symbols and to illuminate the intricacies of African identities through a contemporary lens. The research proceeds by the assemblage of 16 mixed media Art works which were randomly selected from the researchers portfolio. These artworks were chosen randomly to serve as the foundational dataset for training two distinct AI models, accomplished through the utilization of the "Deepdaze" and "Midjourney" platforms over a two-month period. In conclusion, this research establishes that the outcomes achieved with "Midjourney" surpass those of "Deepdaze." However, it acknowledges that as an ongoing project, the AI model will be subjected to further training utilizing a broader spectrum of Nigerian seed art. his will enable the final products to authentically capture Nigerian identities in AI-generated artwork.

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