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Affinity Workshop: Global South AI

Generative AI’s Role in Dialect Preservation in the Global South

Maira Elahi

Keywords: [ AI Ethics ] [ AI ] [ Natural Language Processing ] [ speech synthesis ] [ empowerment ] [ Linguistic diversity ] [ Language learners ] [ Global South ] [ Language bias ] [ Endangered dialects ] [ Cultural heritage ] [ Translation quality ] [ Responsible technology ] [ Ethical concerns ] [ Cultural enhancement. ] [ Authenticity ]


In the face of modern challenges to linguistic diversity such as language bias, linguistic tokenization, translation quality, dominance of major languages, preservation vs. modernization, and more, preserving unique dialects in the Global South has gained steady importance for preserving cultural heritage. This study explores how Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) can contribute to revitalizing endangered dialects. Focusing on the Global South, where dialects hold cultural significance, the study will examine how AI techniques such as natural language processing and speech synthesis—encompassing machine translation, sentiment analysis, and acoustic modeling—can document and assist with the documentation of dialectal variations. The research addresses ethical concerns about AI's impact on authenticity and the risk of homogenization. By leveraging AI's capabilities, the study aims to empower communities in dialect preservation and develop tools for language learners to access and pass down dialectal knowledge. Incorporating linguistics, AI ethics, and cultural studies, the research highlights how AI can support dialect diversity and cultural heritage in the Global South through practical applications. In harnessing AI to support dialect preservation, this study places specific emphasis on ensuring that these technological advancements are wielded responsibly, with a steadfast commitment to enhancing cultural heritage rather than inadvertently replacing its irreplaceable meaning.

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