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Workshop: Third Workshop on Efficient Natural Language and Speech Processing (ENLSP-III): Towards the Future of Large Language Models and their Emerging Descendants

Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning of InstructBLIP for Visual Reasoning Tasks

Sungkyung Kim · Adam Lee · Junyoung Park · Sounho Chung · Jusang Oh · Jay Yoon Lee


Visual language models have recently demonstrated enhanced capabilities in visual reasoning tasks by employing external modules upon language models for visual language alignment. InstructBLIP uses a Q-Former and a projection layer to convert input image embeddings into soft visual prompts to enhance the instruction-following capabilities of large language models (LLMs). Although fine-tuning InstructBLIP has shown great results in downstream tasks, previous works have been restrictive, only full fine-tuning the Q-Former, while freezing the LLM.In this work, we investigate the performance of the PEFT method, LoRA, on both the Q-Former and the base LLMs, specifically Flan-T5-XL and Vicuna-7B, using visual reasoning benchmarks ScienceQA and IconQA. We observe that, when the LLM is frozen, training the Q-Former with LoRA achieves comparable performance to full fine-tuning using under 2% of the trainable parameters. Furthermore, fine-tuning the LLM consistently result in better performances, regardless of how the Q-Former is fine-tuned.Lastly, applying LoRA to both the LLM and the Q-Former surpasses the performance of only full fine-tuning the Q-Former while using less than 10% of the trainable parameters. These results highlight the effectiveness of applying PEFT to visual language models for visual reasoning tasks. The code is available at

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