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Affinity Workshop: Muslims in ML

DGCF: Deep Graph-based Collaborative Filtering recommender system


Keywords: [ Recommender Systems ] [ graph neural networks ] [ Community Profiling ]


Recommender systems (RS) are increasingly leveraging the power of graphs to enhance accuracy. However, we stipulate that existing methods don’t take into consideration the inherent behavior of communities and the interaction between all the sub-groups of the network.In this work, we develop a Deep Graph-based Collaborative Filtering recommender system (DGCF), which incorporates the concept of community profiling and leverages the power of Graph Neural Networks. DGCF extracts the overlapping communities from the homophily user-user graph and also integrates the high-order information from the user-item bipartite graph. We conduct experiments and evaluate the DGCF on the MovieLens datasets (ML-100K and ML-1M), and Douban dataset. Our experiments reveal significant improvements over a number of the latest deep learning models for recommender systems as it extracts deep relationships using the community structure.

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