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Affinity Workshop: Muslims in ML

Geosemantic Surveillance And Profiling Of Abduction Locations And Risk Hotspots Using Print Media Reports.

Toyib Ogunremi · Olubayo Adekanmbi · Anthony Soronnadi · David Akanji

Keywords: [ Natural Language processing (NLP) ] [ Crime location identification ] [ Geospatial Analysis ]


Kidnapping is a significant social risk in Nigeria which often lacks adequate intervention due to the unavailability of local crime data, underreporting of cases due to fear of retaliation from suspected perpetrators, or involvement of security operatives. In response, we have developed a data-driven solution by generating a reliable dataset of crime locations and entities in Nigeria. Our approach involves geoparsing newspaper-reported crime locations and entities using NLP techniques, and geospatial analysis of identified social risk hotspots. We have designed an algorithm that geoparse locations in unstructured raw text. Our research aims to provide insights and solutions for combating the menace posed by kidnappers in Nigeria.

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