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Accelerated Projected Gradient Algorithms for Sparsity Constrained Optimization Problems

Jan Harold Alcantara · Ching-pei Lee

Hall J (level 1) #434

Keywords: [ sparse optimization ] [ projected gradient method ] [ accelerated algorithms ]

Abstract: We consider the projected gradient algorithm for the nonconvex best subset selection problem that minimizes a given empirical loss function under an $\ell_0$-norm constraint. Through decomposing the feasible set of the given sparsity constraint as a finite union of linear subspaces, we present two acceleration schemes with global convergence guarantees, one by same-space extrapolation and the other by subspace identification. The former fully utilizes the problem structure to greatly accelerate the optimization speed with only negligible additional cost. The latter leads to a two-stage meta-algorithm that first uses classical projected gradient iterations to identify the correct subspace containing an optimal solution, and then switches to a highly-efficient smooth optimization method in the identified subspace to attain superlinear convergence. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed accelerated algorithms are magnitudes faster than their non-accelerated counterparts as well as the state of the art.

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