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Adaptive Data Augmentation on Temporal Graphs

Yiwei Wang · Yujun Cai · Yuxuan Liang · Henghui Ding · Changhu Wang · Siddharth Bhatia · Bryan Hooi

Keywords: [ Machine Learning ] [ Graph Learning ] [ Deep Learning ]


Temporal Graph Networks (TGNs) are powerful on modeling temporal graph data based on their increased complexity. Higher complexity carries with it a higher risk of overfitting, which makes TGNs capture random noise instead of essential semantic information. To address this issue, our idea is to transform the temporal graphs using data augmentation (DA) with adaptive magnitudes, so as to effectively augment the input features and preserve the essential semantic information. Based on this idea, we present the MeTA (Memory Tower Augmentation) module: a multi-level module that processes the augmented graphs of different magnitudes on separate levels, and performs message passing across levels to provide adaptively augmented inputs for every prediction. MeTA can be flexibly applied to the training of popular TGNs to improve their effectiveness without increasing their time complexity. To complement MeTA, we propose three DA strategies to realistically model noise by modifying both the temporal and topological features. Empirical results on standard datasets show that MeTA yields significant gains for the popular TGN models on edge prediction and node classification in an efficient manner.

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