The following posters will be presented in this session:
(A0) Variational Task Encoders for Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning
(B2) Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting and Remembering in Continual Learning with Optimal Relevance Mapping
(C1) DARTS without a Validation Set: Optimizing the Marginal Likelihood
(C2) Curriculum Meta-Learning for Few-shot Classification
(D0) Successor Feature Neural Episodic Control
(D1) FedMix: A Simple and Communication-Efficient Alternative to Local Methods in Federated Learning
(F0) A Nested Bi-level Optimization Framework for Robust Few Shot Learning
(G3) Efficient Automated Online Experimentation with Multi-Fidelity
(H0) Sign-MAML: Efficient Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning by SignSGD
(H1) A Preliminary Study on the Feature Representations of Transfer Learning and Gradient-Based Meta-Learning Techniques
(H3) Contrastive Embedding of Structured Space for Bayesian Optimization
(I0) Hierarchical Few-Shot Generative Models