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Workshop: Human in the Loop Learning (HiLL) Workshop at NeurIPS 2022

Knowledge-driven Active Learning

Gabriele Ciravegna · Frederic Precioso · Marco Gori


The deployment of Deep Learning (DL) models is still precluded in those contexts where the amount of supervised data is limited. To answer this issue, active learning strategies aim at minimizing the amount of labelled data required to train a DL model. Most active strategies are based on uncertain sample selection, and even often restricted to samples lying close to the decision boundary. These techniques are theoretically sound, but an understanding of the selected samples based on their content is not straightforward, further driving non-experts to consider DL as a black-box. For the first time, here we propose a different approach, taking into consideration common domain-knowledge and enabling non-expert users to train a model with fewer samples. In our Knowledge-driven Active Learning (KAL) framework, rule-based knowledge is converted into logic constraints and their violation is checked as a natural guide for sample selection. We show that even simple relationships among data and output classes offer a way to spot predictions for which the model need supervision. The proposed approach (i) outperforms many active learning strategies in terms of average F1 score, particularly in those contexts where domain knowledge is rich. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that (ii) KAL discovers data distribution lying far from the initial training data unlike uncertainty-based strategies, (iii) it ensures domain experts that the provided knowledge is respected by the model on test data, and (iv) it can be employed even when domain-knowledge is not available by coupling it with a XAI technique. Finally, we also show that KAL is also suitable for object recognition tasks and, its computational demand is low, unlike many recent active learning strategies.

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