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Workshop: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning

Learning evapotranspiration dataset corrections from water cycle closure supervision

Tristan Hascoet · Victor Pellet · Filipe Aires


Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the most uncertain components of the global water cycle.Improving global ET estimates is needed to better our understanding of the global water cycle so as to forecast the consequences of climate change on the future of global water resource distribution.This work presents a methodology to derive monthly corrections of global ET datasets at 0.25 degree resolution. We use ML to generalize sparse catchment-level water cycle closure residual information to global and dense pixel-level residuals. Our model takes a probabilistic view on ET datasets and their correction that we use to regress catchment-level residuals using a sum-aggregated supervision. Using four global ET datasets, we show that our learned model has learned ET corrections that accurately generalize its water cycle-closure results to unseen catchments.

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