Organizing Committee
General Chairs
- Tristan Naumann (Microsoft Research)
- Alice Oh (KAIST)
Program Chairs
- Amir Globerson (Google, Tel Aviv University)
- Moritz Hardt (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen)
- Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley)
- Kate Saenko (Boston University, Meta)
Workshop Chairs
- Yarin Gal (University of Oxford)
- Piotr Koniusz (Data61❤CSIRO)
- Hsuan-Tien Lin (National Taiwan University)
- Ismini Lourentzou (Virginia Tech)
Workshop Chair Assistant
- Pascal Notin (Harvard University; University of Oxford)
Tutorial Chairs
- Saadia Gabriel (MIT/NYU/UCLA)
- Marzyeh Ghassemi (MIT)
- Andrew Gordon Wilson (New York University)
Competition Chairs
- Jake Albrecht (Bristol Myers Squibb)
- Marco Ciccone (Politecnico di Torino)
- Tao Qin (Microsoft Research AI4Science)
Datasets and Benchmarks Chairs
- Remi Denton (Google Research)
- Jung-Woo Ha (NAVER Cloud AI Lab)
- Joaquin Vanschoren (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Affinity Chairs
- Blessing Ogbuokiri (Brock University)
- Konstantina Palla (Spotify)
- Arjun Subramonian (University of California, Los Angeles)
Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility Chairs
- Erin Grant (University College London)
- Rosanne Liu (ML Collective, Google DeepMind)
Expo Chairss
- Venkatesh Saligrama (Boston University)
- Wenming Ye (Google)
Outreach Chairs
- Edward Choi (KAIST)
- Jihun Hamm (Tulane University)
Ethics Review Chairs
- Jiahao Chen (New York City Office of Technology and Innovation)
- Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research)
- Cherie Poland (Complex Adaptive Systems Research | Virginia Tech)
Program Chair Assistants
- Amir Bar (Tel Aviv University / UC Berkeley)
- Kuan Fang (UC Berkeley / Cornell University)
- Ping Hu (Boston University)
Communication Chairs
- Irene Chen (UC Berkeley)
- Sahra Ghalebikesabi (Google DeepMind)
- Alex X Lu (Microsoft Research)
Social Chairs
- Animesh Garg (Georgia Tech, Univ of Toronto)
- Alessandra Tosi (Mind Foundry)
Journal Chair
- Lam Nguyen (IBM Research, Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
Creative AI Chairs
- Isabelle Guyon (Google and ChaLearn)
- Jean Oh (CMU)
Hybrid Workflow Chair
- Hendrik Strobelt (IBM Research / MIT-IBM Ai Lab)
Workflow Manager
- Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue (NeurIPS)
Volunteer Managers
- Talha Irfan
Logistics and ITs
- Terri Auricchio (NeurIPS Staff)
- Brad Brockmeyer (NeurIPS Staff)
- Lee Campbell (NeurIPS Staff)
- Brian Nettleton (NeurIPS Staff)
- Mary Ellen Perry (Level 5 Events)
- Max Wiesner (NeurIPS Staff)
- Stephanie Willes (NeurIPS Staff)