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This document is out-of-date, please see 2023 FAQ

NeurIPS 2022 FAQ for Authors

We will update this page as new questions arise. Please check back regularly. If you do not find an answer to your question here, you are welcome to contact the NeurIPS 2022 program chairs at, but please make sure that you have read the call for papers and this document first. 

Reviewing/Discussion process

  • When will the reviews be available? When is the rebuttal due? Reviews will be available on Tuesday, July 26. You will then have one week to submit your rebuttal. The rebuttal period will end on Tuesday, August 2. All times are 1 pm PDT.
  • What do we do if we did not get three or more reviews? We apologize that a small fraction of the papers still do not have three reviews, but we are working toward getting the remaining reviews as soon as possible. Authors are not resopnsible for responding to any late reviews, and the area chairs will ensure fair judgement given the delay in the reviews.
  • Will the rebuttals be shown to the reviewers/ACs immediately? Yes, the rebuttals will be revealed to the reviewers/ACs as soon as they are uploaded.
  • Can we upload a revision of our paper? Until when? Yes, you may revise your paper (same 9-page limit applies) until the end of the Reviewer-Author discussion period which ends on Aug 9. However, please note that the reviewers are not obligated to read the revised paper.
  • What is the page limit for the revision during the rebuttal/discussion? Please stick to the 9-page limit during the review process. The extra page applies only to the accepted papers for the camera-ready.
  • Can we upload a revision of the supplementary materials? Yes, please ensure that anything in your revised supplementary materials must also be properly anonymized.
  • Can the revision include new results? Yes, but again, reviewers do not have to read the revision. Your original submission will serve as the basis for the reviewers' (and ACs') acceptance recommendations. The revisions should serve to clarify the reviewers' and ACs' questions during the discussion period.
  • Can we include an anonymous link in the author rebuttal? Yes, but please make sure anything, including the URL, github id, comments in the code, do not reveal author identity or the institution.
  • Is there a length limit for the author rebuttal? No, the OpenReview platform has a length limit on each comment, but you can use multiple comments. We strongly advise you to be concise in your responses.
  • Reviewers posted last-minute questions, and the reviewer-author discussion has closed. What do we do? Area chairs are fully aware that authors cannot respond to last-minute questions, so they will take that into account. We cannot extend the author-reviewer discussion period, as many authors, reviewers, and ACs have planned their work according to our schedule, and extensions would cause delay and additional burden for all involved. 

Submission process

  • Can the author list be changed? Changes may be made to the author list until the full paper deadline. After that, authors may be reordered if/when your paper is accepted, but any additions or removals must be justified in writing and approved on a case-by-case basis by the program chairs. 

  • After the full paper deadline, how should we request author changes? During the review process (reviewing, rebuttal, discussions), author list changes cannot be made. If/when your paper is accepted, please email the program chairs with all of the authors cc'd.

  • Do my co-authors need to create an OpenReview account? Yes. Before the full paper deadline, every co-author needs to create (or update) an OpenReview profile. The information entered in the profile is used for conflict resolution, as discussed in this document.

  • I missed the abstract submission deadline. Can I still submit a full paper? No. The abstract submission deadline is firm.

  • Can I submit supplementary material after the deadline? Yes. The deadline for supplementary material (including appendix and source code) is one week after the paper deadline. Check the call for papers for the exact day and time.

  • Can I withdraw my submission? Yes. You can withdraw your submission at any point in the reviewing process.

Submission format and content

  • Can I include appendices in my main submission file? Yes. You can include appendices with the main submission file, or you can include them as a separate file in the supplementary materials.

  • I would like to write my paper using Microsoft Word, but I don’t see a template. Can you provide one? No. The Microsoft Word template has been discontinued. Authors must use the NeurIPS 2022 LaTeX style file.

  • Is there guidance for filling out the NeurIPS paper checklist? Yes! See this document, which is linked from the CFP:  You may also be interested in the blog post from 2021 which explains the motivation behind the checklist and how it was created.

  • Is a broader impact statement required and must it fit within the page limit? You are not required to include a section titled broader impacts in your paper. However, you should still consider any potential negative societal impacts of your work. You may include a discussion of these potential negative societal impacts anywhere in the paper (in the intro, in the conclusion, as a stand-alone section, in the supplemental material if appropriate, etc.), but this discussion may not exceed the page limit. See the checklist guidance and blog post for more information.

  • What material is allowed beyond the nine-page limit? The main body of your paper must be contained in the first nine pages of your submission. References and the paper checklist, and the (optional) appendix are not included in this page limit. You may also include an appendix in a separate document as part of your supplemental material.

  • What is the policy on comparisons to recent work? Papers appearing less than two months before the submission deadline
    are generally considered concurrent to NeurIPS submissions.  Authors are not expected to compare to work that appeared only a month or two before the deadline. 

  • Are arxiv papers also subject to the policy above? Yes, we do not distinguish arxiv papers and other published (conference & journal) papers, and the two-month rule applies in the same way. More nuanced judgements, including how to determine the date of publication, should be made by the area chair handling the submission.

Dual submissions

  • Can I submit work to NeurIPS that is currently in submission to another archival venue? The NeurIPS policy on dual submissions explicitly prohibits this. You need to withdraw your submission from the other venue before submitting to NeurIPS.

  • Can I submit work to NeurIPS and then later submit the same work to another archival venue while it is still under review at NeurIPS? The NeurIPS policy on dual submissions explicitly prohibits this. You need to withdraw your submission from NeurIPS first.

  • Can I submit work that is in submission to, has been accepted to, or has been published in a non-archival venue (e.g. arXiv or a workshop without any official proceedings)? Yes, as long as this does not violate the other venue's policy on dual submissions (if it has one).

  • Can I submit work to NeurIPS and then later submit the same work to a non-archival venue while it is still under review at NeurIPS? Yes, as long as this does not violate the other venue's policy on dual submissions (if it has one).


Questions related to OpenReview

  • Why haven't I received any emails about my submission? All emails are sent from  If you are an author and not receiving email, please log into your OpenReview account and make sure that your preferred contact email is up to date. We have heard that some email servers are rejecting email from OpenReview. If you suspect this might apply to your email server, we recommend that you use a different email address.

  • Please visit for general questions related to OpenReview.  If you experience any technical issues, please contact the OpenReview support team at directly.


  • Using different versions of latex can yield PDFs of different lengths. What should I do?  This is documented here.  You can use any version of latex, as long as your PDF obeys the page limit.