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NIPS 2011 Meeting Dates

The Twenty-Fifth annual conference is held Mon. Dec 12th through Sat the 17th, 2011 at the Granada Congress and Exhibition Centre, Melia Sierra Nevada & Melia Sol y Nieve.
Tutorials Mon Dec 12th
Conference Sessions Tue Dec 13th through Thu Dec 15th
Workshops Fri Dec 16th through Sat the 17th
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Important Dates and Deadlines

Name Date (America/Los_Angeles) Countdown
Paper Submission Open May 24 '11 09:00 AM CEST
Paper Submissions Deadline Jun 03 '11 01:59 AM CEST
Workshop Application Deadline Jul 02 '11 01:59 AM CEST
Author Notification Aug 31 '11 09:00 AM CEST
Demonstration Proposal Deadline Sep 20 '11 08:59 AM CEST
Deadline to Apply for Travel Support Oct 27 '11 08:59 AM CEST
Camera Ready Deadline Oct 29 '11 01:59 AM CEST
Volunteer Application Deadline Oct 29 '11 08:59 AM CEST
Travel Award Notification Nov 03 '11 07:59 AM CET
Volunter Application Notification Nov 05 '11 07:59 AM CET
Deadline for Early Registration Pricing Nov 07 '11 08:59 AM CET
Last Chance for a Full Refund Nov 13 '11 08:59 AM CET
Cancellation Deadline Dec 06 '11 12:59 AM CET
Deadline to Choose a Post-Conference Bus Dec 14 '11 05:00 PM CET
Deadline to Choose a Post-Workshops Bus Dec 17 '11 09:00 AM CET