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Jane Wang · Joaquin Vanschoren · Erin Grant · Jonathan Richard Schwarz · Francesco Visin · Jeff Clune · Roberto Calandra

Fri 11 Dec, 3 a.m. PST

How to join the virtual workshop: The 2020 Workshop on Meta-Learning will be a series of streamed pre-recorded talks + live question-and-answer (Q&A) periods, and poster sessions on Gather.Town. You can participate by:
* Accessing the livestream on our [ protected link dropped ] 2;
* MetaLearn 2020 Rocket.Chat!
* Entering panel discussion questions in this!

Focus of the workshop: Recent years have seen rapid progress in meta-learning methods, which transfer knowledge across tasks and domains to learn new tasks more efficiently, optimize the learning process itself, and even generate new learning methods from scratch. Meta-learning can be seen as the logical conclusion of the arc that machine learning has undergone in the last decade, from learning classifiers and policies over hand-crafted features, to learning representations over which classifiers and policies operate, and finally to learning algorithms that themselves acquire representations, classifiers, and policies. Meta-learning methods are also of substantial practical interest. For instance, they have been shown to yield new state-of-the-art automated machine learning algorithms and architectures, and have substantially improved few-shot learning systems. Moreover, the ability to improve one’s own learning capabilities through experience can also be viewed as a hallmark of intelligent beings, and there are strong connections with work on human learning in cognitive science and reward learning in neuroscience.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
