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Orals & Spotlights Track 12: Vision Applications

Angela Yao · Boqing Gong

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Tue 8 Dec. 18:00 - 18:15 PST

Space-Time Correspondence as a Contrastive Random Walk

Allan Jabri · Andrew Owens · Alexei Efros

This paper proposes a simple self-supervised approach for learning a representation for visual correspondence from raw video. We cast correspondence as prediction of links in a space-time graph constructed from video. In this graph, the nodes are patches sampled from each frame, and nodes adjacent in time can share a directed edge. We learn a representation in which pairwise similarity defines transition probability of a random walk, such that prediction of long-range correspondence is computed as a walk along the graph. We optimize the representation to place high probability along paths of similarity. Targets for learning are formed without supervision, by cycle-consistency: the objective is to maximize the likelihood of returning to the initial node when walking along a graph constructed from a palindrome of frames. Thus, a single path-level constraint implicitly supervises chains of intermediate comparisons. When used as a similarity metric without adaptation, the learned representation outperforms the self-supervised state-of-the-art on label propagation tasks involving objects, semantic parts, and pose. Moreover, we demonstrate that a technique we call edge dropout, as well as self-supervised adaptation at test-time, further improve transfer for object-centric correspondence.

Tue 8 Dec. 18:15 - 18:30 PST

Rethinking Pre-training and Self-training

Barret Zoph · Golnaz Ghiasi · Tsung-Yi Lin · Yin Cui · Hanxiao Liu · Ekin Dogus Cubuk · Quoc V Le

Pre-training is a dominant paradigm in computer vision. For example, supervised ImageNet pre-training is commonly used to initialize the backbones of object detection and segmentation models. He et al., however, show a striking result that ImageNet pre-training has limited impact on COCO object detection. Here we investigate self-training as another method to utilize additional data on the same setup and contrast it against ImageNet pre-training. Our study reveals the generality and flexibility of self-training with three additional insights: 1) stronger data augmentation and more labeled data further diminish the value of pre-training, 2) unlike pre-training, self-training is always helpful when using stronger data augmentation, in both low-data and high-data regimes, and 3) in the case that pre-training is helpful, self-training improves upon pre-training. For example, on the COCO object detection dataset, pre-training benefits when we use one fifth of the labeled data, and hurts accuracy when we use all labeled data. Self-training, on the other hand, shows positive improvements from +1.3 to +3.4AP across all dataset sizes. In other words, self-training works well exactly on the same setup that pre-training does not work (using ImageNet to help COCO). On the PASCAL segmentation dataset, which is a much smaller dataset than COCO, though pre-training does help significantly, self-training improves upon the pre-trained model. On COCO object detection, we achieve 53.8AP, an improvement of +1.7AP over the strongest SpineNet model. On PASCAL segmentation, we achieve 90.5mIOU, an improvement of +1.5mIOU over the previous state-of-the-art result by DeepLabv3+.

Tue 8 Dec. 18:30 - 18:45 PST

Do Adversarially Robust ImageNet Models Transfer Better?

Hadi Salman · Andrew Ilyas · Logan Engstrom · Ashish Kapoor · Aleksander Madry

Transfer learning is a widely-used paradigm in deep learning, where models pre-trained on standard datasets can be efficiently adapted to downstream tasks. Typically, better pre-trained models yield better transfer results, suggesting that initial accuracy is a key aspect of transfer learning performance. In this work, we identify another such aspect: we find that adversarially robust models, while less accurate, often perform better than their standard-trained counterparts when used for transfer learning. Specifically, we focus on adversarially robust ImageNet classifiers, and show that they yield improved accuracy on a standard suite of downstream classification tasks. Further analysis uncovers more differences between robust and standard models in the context of transfer learning. Our results are consistent with (and in fact, add to) recent hypotheses stating that robustness leads to improved feature representations. Code and models is available in the supplementary material.

Tue 8 Dec. 18:45 - 19:00 PST


Tue 8 Dec. 19:00 - 19:10 PST

Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning from Hierarchical Grouping

Xiao Zhang · Michael Maire

We create a framework for bootstrapping visual representation learning from a primitive visual grouping capability. We operationalize grouping via a contour detector that partitions an image into regions, followed by merging of those regions into a tree hierarchy. A small supervised dataset suffices for training this grouping primitive. Across a large unlabeled dataset, we apply this learned primitive to automatically predict hierarchical region structure. These predictions serve as guidance for self-supervised contrastive feature learning: we task a deep network with producing per-pixel embeddings whose pairwise distances respect the region hierarchy. Experiments demonstrate that our approach can serve as state-of-the-art generic pre-training, benefiting downstream tasks. We additionally explore applications to semantic region search and video-based object instance tracking.

Tue 8 Dec. 19:10 - 19:20 PST

Learning Affordance Landscapes for Interaction Exploration in 3D Environments

Tushar Nagarajan · Kristen Grauman

Embodied agents operating in human spaces must be able to master how their environment works: what objects can the agent use, and how can it use them? We introduce a reinforcement learning approach for exploration for interaction, whereby an embodied agent autonomously discovers the affordance landscape of a new unmapped 3D environment (such as an unfamiliar kitchen). Given an egocentric RGB-D camera and a high-level action space, the agent is rewarded for maximizing successful interactions while simultaneously training an image-based affordance segmentation model. The former yields a policy for acting efficiently in new environments to prepare for downstream interaction tasks, while the latter yields a convolutional neural network that maps image regions to the likelihood they permit each action, densifying the rewards for exploration. We demonstrate our idea with AI2-iTHOR. The results show agents can learn how to use new home environments intelligently and that it prepares them to rapidly address various downstream tasks like "find a knife and put it in the drawer." Project page:

Tue 8 Dec. 19:20 - 19:30 PST

Rel3D: A Minimally Contrastive Benchmark for Grounding Spatial Relations in 3D

Ankit Goyal · Kaiyu Yang · Dawei Yang · Jia Deng

Understanding spatial relations (e.g., laptop on table) in visual input is important for both humans and robots. Existing datasets are insufficient as they lack large-scale, high-quality 3D ground truth information, which is critical for learning spatial relations. In this paper, we fill this gap by constructing Rel3D: the first large-scale, human-annotated dataset for grounding spatial relations in 3D. Rel3D enables quantifying the effectiveness of 3D information in predicting spatial relations on large-scale human data. Moreover, we propose minimally contrastive data collection---a novel crowdsourcing method for reducing dataset bias. The 3D scenes in our dataset come in minimally contrastive pairs: two scenes in a pair are almost identical, but a spatial relation holds in one and fails in the other. We empirically validate that minimally contrastive examples can diagnose issues with current relation detection models as well as lead to sample-efficient training. Code and data are available at

Tue 8 Dec. 19:30 - 19:40 PST

Large-Scale Adversarial Training for Vision-and-Language Representation Learning

Zhe Gan · Yen-Chun Chen · Linjie Li · Chen Zhu · Yu Cheng · Jingjing Liu

We present VILLA, the first known effort on large-scale adversarial training for vision-and-language (V+L) representation learning. VILLA consists of two training stages: (i) task-agnostic adversarial pre-training; followed by (ii) task-specific adversarial finetuning. Instead of adding adversarial perturbations on image pixels and textual tokens, we propose to perform adversarial training in the embedding space of each modality. To enable large-scale training, we adopt the ``free'' adversarial training strategy, and combine it with KL-divergence-based regularization to promote higher invariance in the embedding space. We apply VILLA to current best-performing V+L models, and achieve new state of the art on a wide range of tasks, including Visual Question Answering, Visual Commonsense Reasoning, Image-Text Retrieval, Referring Expression Comprehension, Visual Entailment, and NLVR2.

Tue 8 Dec. 19:40 - 19:50 PST

Joint Q&A for Preceeding Spotlights

Tue 8 Dec. 19:50 - 20:00 PST

Measuring Robustness to Natural Distribution Shifts in Image Classification

Rohan Taori · Achal Dave · Vaishaal Shankar · Nicholas Carlini · Benjamin Recht · Ludwig Schmidt

We study how robust current ImageNet models are to distribution shifts arising from natural variations in datasets. Most research on robustness focuses on synthetic image perturbations (noise, simulated weather artifacts, adversarial examples, etc.), which leaves open how robustness on synthetic distribution shift relates to distribution shift arising in real data. Informed by an evaluation of 204 ImageNet models in 213 different test conditions, we find that there is often little to no transfer of robustness from current synthetic to natural distribution shift. Moreover, most current techniques provide no robustness to the natural distribution shifts in our testbed. The main exception is training on larger and more diverse datasets, which in multiple cases increases robustness, but is still far from closing the performance gaps. Our results indicate that distribution shifts arising in real data are currently an open research problem.

Tue 8 Dec. 20:00 - 20:10 PST

Curriculum By Smoothing

Samarth Sinha · Animesh Garg · Hugo Larochelle

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown impressive performance in computer vision tasks such as image classification, detection, and segmentation. Moreover, recent work in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has highlighted the importance of learning by progressively increasing the difficulty of a learning task Kerras et al. When learning a network from scratch, the information propagated within the network during the earlier stages of training can contain distortion artifacts due to noise which can be detrimental to training. In this paper, we propose an elegant curriculum-based scheme that smoothes the feature embedding of a CNN using anti-aliasing or low-pass filters. We propose to augment the training of CNNs by controlling the amount of high frequency information propagated within the CNNs as training progresses, by convolving the output of a CNN feature map of each layer with a Gaussian kernel. By decreasing the variance of the Gaussian kernel, we gradually increase the amount of high-frequency information available within the network for inference. As the amount of information in the feature maps increases during training, the network is able to progressively learn better representations of the data. Our proposed augmented training scheme significantly improves the performance of CNNs on various vision tasks without either adding additional trainable parameters or an auxiliary regularization objective. The generality of our method is demonstrated through empirical performance gains in CNN architectures across four different tasks: transfer learning, cross-task transfer learning, and generative models.

Tue 8 Dec. 20:10 - 20:20 PST

Fewer is More: A Deep Graph Metric Learning Perspective Using Fewer Proxies

Yuehua Zhu · Muli Yang · Cheng Deng · Wei Liu

Deep metric learning plays a key role in various machine learning tasks. Most of the previous works have been confined to sampling from a mini-batch, which cannot precisely characterize the global geometry of the embedding space. Although researchers have developed proxy- and classification-based methods to tackle the sampling issue, those methods inevitably incur a redundant computational cost. In this paper, we propose a novel Proxy-based deep Graph Metric Learning (ProxyGML) approach from the perspective of graph classification, which uses fewer proxies yet achieves better comprehensive performance. Specifically, multiple global proxies are leveraged to collectively approximate the original data points for each class. To efficiently capture local neighbor relationships, a small number of such proxies are adaptively selected to construct similarity subgraphs between these proxies and each data point. Further, we design a novel reverse label propagation algorithm, by which the neighbor relationships are adjusted according to ground-truth labels, so that a discriminative metric space can be learned during the process of subgraph classification. Extensive experiments carried out on widely-used CUB-200-2011, Cars196, and Stanford Online Products datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed ProxyGML over the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. The source code is publicly available at \url{}.

Tue 8 Dec. 20:20 - 20:30 PST

Joint Q&A for Preceeding Spotlights

Tue 8 Dec. 20:30 - 21:00 PST
