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Dichotomize and Generalize: PAC-Bayesian Binary Activated Deep Neural Networks

GaĆ«l Letarte · Pascal Germain · Benjamin Guedj · Francois Laviolette

East Exhibition Hall B + C #218

Keywords: [ Deep Learning ] [ Learning Theory ] [ Theory ]


We present a comprehensive study of multilayer neural networks with binary activation, relying on the PAC-Bayesian theory. Our contributions are twofold: (i) we develop an end-to-end framework to train a binary activated deep neural network, (ii) we provide nonvacuous PAC-Bayesian generalization bounds for binary activated deep neural networks. Our results are obtained by minimizing the expected loss of an architecture-dependent aggregation of binary activated deep neural networks. Our analysis inherently overcomes the fact that binary activation function is non-differentiable. The performance of our approach is assessed on a thorough numerical experiment protocol on real-life datasets.

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