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Discriminator optimal transport

Akinori Tanaka

East Exhibition Hall B + C #116

Keywords: [ Generative Models ] [ Deep Learning ] [ Adversarial Networks ]

Abstract: Within a broad class of generative adversarial networks, we show that discriminator optimization process increases a lower bound of the dual cost function for the Wasserstein distance between the target distribution $p$ and the generator distribution $p_G$. It implies that the trained discriminator can approximate optimal transport (OT) from $p_G$ to $p$. Based on some experiments and a bit of OT theory, we propose discriminator optimal transport (DOT) scheme to improve generated images. We show that it improves inception score and FID calculated by un-conditional GAN trained by CIFAR-10, STL-10 and a public pre-trained model of conditional GAN trained by ImageNet.

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