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Copula Multi-label Learning

Weiwei Liu

East Exhibition Hall B + C #50

Keywords: [ Classification ] [ Algorithms ]


A formidable challenge in multi-label learning is to model the interdependencies between labels and features. Unfortunately, the statistical properties of existing multi-label dependency modelings are still not well understood. Copulas are a powerful tool for modeling dependence of multivariate data, and achieve great success in a wide range of applications, such as finance, econometrics and systems neuroscience. This inspires us to develop a novel copula multi-label learning paradigm for modeling label and feature dependencies. The copula based paradigm enables to reveal new statistical insights in multi-label learning. In particular, the paper first leverages the kernel trick to construct continuous distribution in the output space, and then estimates our proposed model semiparametrically where the copula is modeled parametrically, while the marginal distributions are modeled nonparametrically. Theoretically, we show that our estimator is an unbiased and consistent estimator and follows asymptotically a normal distribution. Moreover, we bound the mean squared error of estimator. The experimental results from various domains validate the superiority of our proposed approach.

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