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Unsupervised Skill Discovery via Recurrent Skill Training

Zheyuan Jiang · Jingyue Gao · Jianyu Chen

Keywords: [ Deep Learning ] [ Deep Reinforcement Learning ] [ Unsupervised Skill Discovery ] [ Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning ]


Being able to discover diverse useful skills without external reward functions is beneficial in reinforcement learning research. Previous unsupervised skill discovery approaches mainly train different skills in parallel. Although impressive results have been provided, we found that parallel training procedure can sometimes block exploration when the state visited by different skills overlap, which leads to poor state coverage and restricts the diversity of learned skills. In this paper, we take a deeper look into this phenomenon and propose a novel framework to address this issue, which we call Recurrent Skill Training (ReST). Instead of training all the skills in parallel, ReST trains different skills one after another recurrently, along with a state coverage based intrinsic reward. We conduct experiments on a number of challenging 2D navigation environments and robotic locomotion environments. Evaluation results show that our proposed approach outperforms previous parallel training approaches in terms of state coverage and skill diversity. Videos of the discovered skills are available at

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