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Few-shot Learning for Feature Selection with Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion

Atsutoshi Kumagai · Tomoharu Iwata · Yasutoshi Ida · Yasuhiro Fujiwara

Hall J (level 1) #1039

Keywords: [ Supervised Feature Selection ] [ Meta-Learning ] [ Few-Shot Learning ]


We propose a few-shot learning method for feature selection that can select relevant features given a small number of labeled instances. Existing methods require many labeled instances for accurate feature selection. However, sufficient instances are often unavailable. We use labeled instances in multiple related tasks to alleviate the lack of labeled instances in a target task. To measure the dependency between each feature and label, we use the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion, which is a kernel-based independence measure. By modeling the kernel functions with neural networks that take a few labeled instances in a task as input, we can encode the task-specific information to the kernels such that the kernels are appropriate for the task. Feature selection with such kernels is performed by using iterative optimization methods, in which each update step is obtained as a closed-form. This formulation enables us to directly and efficiently minimize the expected test error on features selected by a small number of labeled instances. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing feature selection methods.

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