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Emergent Communication under Varying Sizes and Connectivities

Jooyeon Kim · Alice Oh

Keywords: [ Optimization ] [ Graph Learning ] [ Deep Learning ]


Recent advances in deep neural networks allowed artificial agents to derive their own emergent languages that promote interaction, coordination, and collaboration within a group. Just as we humans have succeeded in creating a shared language that allows us to interact within a large group, can the emergent communication within an artificial group converge to a shared, agreed language? This research provides an analytical study of the shared emergent language within the group communication settings of different sizes and connectivities. As the group size increases up to hundreds, agents start to speak dissimilar languages, but the rate at which they successfully communicate is maintained. We observe the emergence of different dialects when we restrict the group communication to have local connectivities only. Finally, we provide optimization results of group communication graphs when the number of agents one can communicate with is restricted or when we penalize communication between distant agent pairs. The optimized communication graphs show superior communication success rates compared to graphs with same number of links as well as the emergence of hub nodes and scale-free networks.

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