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Inverse Learning of Symmetries

Mario Wieser · Sonali Parbhoo · Aleksander Wieczorek · Volker Roth

Poster Session 3 #800

Keywords: [ Applications ] [ Natural Language Processing ] [ Unsupervised Learning ] [ Algorithms -> Adversarial Learning; Algorithms ]


Symmetry transformations induce invariances and are a crucial building block of modern machine learning algorithms. In many complex domains, such as the chemical space, invariances can be observed, yet the corresponding symmetry transformation cannot be formulated analytically. We propose to learn the symmetry transformation with a model consisting of two latent subspaces, where the first subspace captures the target and the second subspace the remaining invariant information. Our approach is based on the deep information bottleneck in combination with a continuous mutual information regulariser. Unlike previous methods, we focus on the challenging task of minimising mutual information in continuous domains. To this end, we base the calculation of mutual information on correlation matrices in combination with a bijective variable transformation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods on artificial and molecular datasets.

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