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Cross-Modal Learning with Adversarial Samples

CHAO LI · Shangqian Gao · Cheng Deng · De Xie · Wei Liu

East Exhibition Hall B + C #92

Keywords: [ Algorithms ] [ Adversarial Learning ] [ Applications ] [ Information Retrieval ]


With the rapid developments of deep neural networks, numerous deep cross-modal analysis methods have been presented and are being applied in widespread real-world applications, including healthcare and safety-critical environments. However, the recent studies on robustness and stability of deep neural networks show that a microscopic modification, known as adversarial sample, which is even imperceptible to humans, can easily fool a well-performed deep neural network and brings a new obstacle to deep cross-modal correlation exploring. In this paper, we propose a novel Cross-Modal correlation Learning with Adversarial samples, namely CMLA, which for the first time presents the existence of adversarial samples in cross-modal data. Moreover, we provide a simple yet effective adversarial sample learning method, where inter- and intra- modality similarity regularizations across different modalities are simultaneously integrated into the learning of adversarial samples. Finally, our proposed CMLA is demonstrated to be highly effective in cross-modal hashing based retrieval. Extensive experiments on two cross-modal benchmark datasets show that the adversarial examples produced by our CMLA are efficient in fooling a target deep cross-modal hashing network. On the other hand, such adversarial examples can significantly strengthen the robustness of the target network by conducting an adversarial training.

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